Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to parents questions :

How to book an appointment ?

Go to the page : Take an appointment (FR)

Who can treat my child?

This is a delicate point. To our knowledge today in France very few professionals are experienced and trained in this treatment and will be able to manage your child’s disorder. Indeed, the treatment of a KiSS syndrome requires a specific knowledge of the syndrome, a precise diagnosis and a particular technicality.

Qualifications that appear on business cards will not be sufficient guarantees.

Can my child be treated by my osteopath?


in French osteopathic schools. As a result, our colleagues unfortunately do not yet have a real knowledge of this syndrome and its management.

When they are in the presence of this symptomatology, they rightly treat all the tensions they may find on the child, but these are the consequence and not the cause of the disorder.

The treatment of KiSS syndrome involves several steps that must be followed in order to obtain long-term results.

There are therefore often transient improvements in the child’s symptoms but a rapid relapse occurs a few weeks after management due to the persistence of the cranio-cervical junction lesion.

At what age should we treat?

There is no age.

As soon as possible, in order to avoid the accumulation of secondary adaptations.

” As little as possible, as much as possible, and at the right time. “

Dr Heiner Bidermann

What is manipulation? and is it dangerous?


By definition, “osteopathic manipulation” is a manual gesture that restores mobility to a joint while respecting physiology.

We take all necessary precautions in advance in order to detect pathologies that present a contraindication to handling.

We give the parents, before the first appointment:

  • un health questionnaire,
  • a prescription to perform a radiological assessment of the cervical spine and pelvis.

During the session, a complete clinical examination is performed. Further explorations will be conducted if necessary.

Is it painful?

The osteopathic techniques used for the care of children are not in any way painful.

However, it is common during sessions to trigger crying.

These can be of multiple origins:

  • The child does not appreciate being touched by two strangers
  • The release of tissue tension during treatment can lead to a reaction of the child in the form of fears.

The cranio-cervical junction is manipulated by a thrust technique called HvBa (High velocity and Low amplitude).

This technicality aims to stimulate a very fast movement whose amplitude is very low, which allows the respect of joint physiology.

Laurie S. HARTMAN in the Manual of Osteopathic Techniques1 specifies that during a thrust technique “with sufficient speed, joint decoaptation can be achieved even within the average limits of the joint amplitude without any trauma being induced. »

1] HARTMAN Laurie S., Manual of Osteopathic Techniques, OMCéditeur, collection SBO.

Are there any side effects?

Since 2010 we have had to treat many children.

Following our treatment, we were able to observe the following 3 reactions within 48 hours of the session:

1 – The child is calmer, sleeps more and seems less tense,

2 – The child has no difference in behaviour,

3 – The child may have a neurovegetative reaction secondary to treatment, manifested by:

  • a worsening of symptoms, or the onset of reflux and/or vomiting,
  • crying,
  • a sweating attack,
  • a restlessness or on the contrary a great fatigue,

These reactions are perfectly normal and not serious. They are linked to a defensive reaction of the body. This same type of reaction can be observed following vaccination.

Once the information is assimilated by the tissues, the symptoms disappear spontaneously and the child’s condition improves from day to day

What should we bring for the appointment?

How long does a session last?

How many sessions?

Is the treatment definitive?

KiSS syndrome (blocking the cranio-cervical junction) is itself permanently treated during the first session.

Only a new trauma can cause a relapse of this lesion, requiring further manipulation.

However, KiSS sometimes causes more or less complications (acquisition and development…) depending on the case, which can evolve for everyone in different ways.

Some children will have to resort to more comprehensive care. (Osteopathy, Kinesitherapy, Speech therapy, Phychomotricity…)

As with any child, an annual osteopathic check-up is recommended

How long does it take to get an appointment?

If the child is not treated that it happens?

If the child is not diagnosed and cared for, he will continue to develop around this dysfunction of the cranio-cervical joint.

As this articulation is a key point of postural balance, children may have difficulties in acquisition and development.

    • Posture disorders,
    • Delay and/or dental flare-ups difficult,
    • Delay in maintaining the sitting position,


  • Delay and/or difficulty in learning to walk,
  • Delay and/or difficulty in language learning,
  • Fine motor disorder,
  • Socialization disorders,
  • Development of scoliosis,
  • Headache and/or migraines,
  • Mal being chronic and unexplained,


This list is of course neither exhaustive nor systematic. Each individual has a reaction and coping mechanism of his or her own.

Can an adult have a KiSS?

Is there a risk for my other children?

The current state of our work does not allow to date to eliminate a genetic factor in KiSS syndrome.

Some family KiSS syndrome is sometimes linked only to an imbalance in the mother’s pelvis. Preventive osteopathic treatment of the latter helps to avoid recurrences

Why have I never been told about this syndrome?


and its assimilation to a congenital torticollis, health professionals tend to minimize the signs. Those who have not heard of this disorder often trivialize or on the contrary dramatize the situation, which sometimes leads to hospitalizations and multiple additional examinations that give nothing but increase parents’ anxiety.

I'm very worried about my child, is having a KiSS or a KiDD a big deal?

And if not that?

Why are there two osteopaths for the treatment?

Can my child get stuck again after treatment?

Will my child have to be followed all his life?

Why do you need a doctor?

Attention to social networks !

We know that a lot of information is circulating on social networks and discussion forums around this syndrome. It’s normal, it’s in the spirit of the times!

However, our team does not support the idea of making diagnoses and conclusions on social networks.

We believe that only a consultation with health professionals who are aware of the detection and treatment of this syndrome will allow us to confirm whether or not it is a KiSS or KiDD.
